
Hi there!  Welcome to my blog where I share my personal perspective and thoughts on skin, allergies, and health and wellness.  I've had eczema all my life, as well as allergies and autoimmune markers.  I'm allergic to peanuts and certain nuts (like walnuts) and have Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) where I can't eat a lot of raw fruits and veggies.  I'm also pretty sensitive to environmental allergens such as dust and pollen.  My skin can be pretty unpredictable and I am constantly adapting to its changing state.  I can be doing the same skincare routine, but a flareup will suddenly happen.  Sometimes, something may bother my skin one day, but not the next.  It is definitely a wild ride.  

I've done elimination diets before (3 to be exact) and haven't found a significant association to certain foods.  Therefore, I don't follow any specific diet.  I just try to eat anti-inflammatory foods that are nourishing for the body.  I believe in eating whole foods and try the best I can do eat cleaner (e.g., organic, anti-biotic/hormone free).  Although, I do indulge from time to time...YOLO! 🤪

I hope you enjoy the upcoming snippets of my life - thanks for joining me on my Skin Deep Journey.  You can also find me @skindeepjourney on Instagram! 

*I am not a health professional so everything shared on my blog is based on my personal experiences and opinions. I hope you find it useful! 😊


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