To Gluten or NOT to Gluten

Gluten has been getting a bad rap lately...but what IS it?  Gluten is the protein found in many grains and are said to cause inflammation in the body.  There has been many debates on the legitimacy of that claim and whether or not it is something that we should avoid.  After reading up on it and watching countless documentaries on YouTube, it seems that unless you have celiac disease, where your body attacks your small intestine upon eating gluten, you should be ok to eat it.  However, there are many people who say that they have a gluten intolerance and many naturopaths recommend avoiding it.  Personally, I don’t notice any adverse reaction when I eat gluten.  However, since eczema stems from inflammation in the body and gluten is supposed to cause inflammation, I am experimenting with gluten-free alternatives.  Although I'm not 100% gluten-free, I try to limit it when I have alternatives. 

I recently organized my flour stash and have been trying new recipes that I find online.  The flour that I recently love using is cassava flour.  Made from the cassava root, cassava flour is gluten free and is an easy substitute to all purpose flour.  I have been making a lot of cassava crackers because I'm liking the taste over my usual quinoa crackers (still love my quinoa crackers though...especially when I use Trader Joe's Everything but the Bagel Seasoning!).  I’m not really a good baker (I don’t always follow the measurements exactly...haha 😅), but I have been trying a lot of yummy recipes! 😋

Different gluten-free baked goods

Gluten-free, Dairy-free egg tarts
Cassava Mixed Berry Muffins

*Check out my ‘Recipes I Like’ page to get links to recipes that I've tried and enjoyed.


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