#newyear #newme #newgoals


Happy 2022!  Wow, it has been a hot minute since I posted on here!  Life has been super busy lately because there is a little human that I have to take care of now!  👶  We welcomed Baby T into the world June 2021 and it has been a whirlwind of ups and downs.  Motherhood is definitely a rollercoaster ride that is thrilling, scary, and fun all at the same time!  There is so much trial and error and uncertainties.  However, the love is like no other!  I have never felt this type of love before and am so grateful that I get to experience it!  Motherhood has been a bit more challenging because Baby T has unfortunately inherited some of his mommy's eczema genes 😪.  I was hoping that he would not have to deal with itchiness and skin issues, but alas, those genes seem to run strong in my family.  Dealing with a child with eczema is definitely different than dealing with it myself.  I know my threshold for pain and can push myself to the limit when I don't want to use topical steroids.  But seeing the rashes and hearing him cry in discomfort breaks my heart.  I cannot believe that not much has changed in terms of conventional treatment of eczema since I was a baby!  Topical steroids are still the first line of defense and are prescribed so easily.   With all my knowledge and experience with TSW, I am *determined* to help him manage his skin without the use of topical steroids.  Needless to say, he will be joining me on my Skin Deep Journey! 💓

Aside from being a new mama, I have also enrolled in a program to be a Holistic Nutrition and Health coach!  I am so excited to be learning more about nutrition and how it can impact our health and wellness.  I cannot wait to start that adventure and continue to share what I've learnt and my experiences with you all on @skindeepjourney!


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