Facial Massage

Massage is a great way to de-stress your body and get your circulation and lymphatic systems going.  This is why I love going to get massages.  However, when my skin is flaring up, I don’t really want someone else touching my skin, not to mention rubbing at it.  Recently, I bought a facial roller to do my own facial massages at home.  I have been using this roller on my face and neck for the past week in the morning and at night and am LOVING it.  

The benefits of a facial roller is that it helps with circulation, making your face look brighter and firming up your skin.  It’s also supposed to decrease puffiness and wrinkles, as well as maximize the absorption of your moisturizer into the skin.  Here is a video that I liked because she explains how to use the facial roller and its benefits.

I use my facial roller after applying my moisturizer to a clean face and sometimes, I put it in the fridge for a nice cooling effect.  It really helped calm down my neck when it was so itchy last week.  I can see myself continue to use this roller and have it be part of my morning and night routine!  

If you want other ways to de-stress your skin, CLICK HERE for a great blogpost by Drought Skin that you can read! 😊


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