Truth Treatments - Product Review

I first heard about Truth Treatments on the Eczema podcast (which is awesome BTW, if you haven't listened to it before, go have a listen!) and the owner Ben Fuchs seemed to know his stuff.  Although the price tag was quite hefty (it's based in the states so it was in USD AND I had to pay for shipping and duty), I really wanted to see if they worked.  So I bit the bullet and bought the Omega 6 Healing Cream and the sample kit so that I can try all of the products.  I was so excited to try the healing cream because this was during the time where I had the open wounds on my neck.  When it came, I couldn't wait and tried it that night.  I would like to say that it healed my wounds, but it did the opposite and stung me sooooo badly!  The next day when I tried it again, it stung more AND my entire neck was super itchy!  Funny enough, I thought maybe that it was a sign of it working?  So I sat myself in front of a fan and tried to cool down.  Nope, didn't work.  It was so unbearable that I had to wash it off!  I messaged Truth Treatments on Instagram, and someone got back to me and asked for the picture of the spot I wanted to heal.  Once I sent the picture over, he told me to call him and gave me a number.  I thought it was a customer service number, but NOPE, I found myself talking to the owner/founder, BEN!  He told me that my skin was really sensitive and it's reacting to something.  He was the one who suggested that I go on a water fast and then introduce foods slowly to see how my skin reacts.  He also then gave me a bunch of supplements I should take to nourish my skin.  I was so grateful that he suggested the fast because, as you can see, it did heal up that patch.  I still cannot believe that Ben, himself, talked to me about his product and gave me personal advice on my skin - is that good customer service or what?  Maybe that’s the service you get with expensive products? Haha.  Anyways, he suggested that in the meantime, I try the Vitamin C Balm because it was gentler.  I did and it felt loads better on my skin than the Omega 6 healing cream.  Since then, I ordered the full size version of the Vitamin C Balm and Serum and have been using it on my neck and face.  I find that the product absorbs quickly into my skin, but it seems like my skin still gets dry throughout the day.  I have to use my moisturizing cream throughout the day to keep my skin from flaking.  I still have a weird patch on my neck that is still oozing yellow pus some days, so I put it on that and it doesn’t sting.  Unfortunately, this product did not WOW me like it did for so many people, but I have only been using it for roughly 2 weeks...I will continue to use it to see if it will eventually help my skin improve.  🤞🏻


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