
Showing posts from August, 2020

Refined Sugar and Alternatives

Sugar is everywhere and like a lot of people, I can't resist a sweet treat!  I’ve written about finding unsweetened sauces in one of my previous blog posts , and I’m always on the lookout for no/low sugar options.  The ingredient label is my best friend!  Refined sugar is a major cause of inflammation in the body because it causes a huge spike in insulin levels.  I know that it is definitely a trigger for my skin, so I try to limit my sugar intake.  An exception that I do give myself is fruit, since it is more natural and also contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients.  However, due to my oral allergy syndrome, I can’t do a lot of raw fruits anyways.  When I am craving something sweet, I’ll usually turn to dark chocolate or dried fruit!  However, dried fruit actually contains a lot of sugar, so I have to watch how much I eat because they cause my skin to become itchy if I eat too much.  (Also, if they contain sulphites, they also make my skin more itchy - so I’ve been buying sulphi

Cold Sores and Eczema

Cold sores, or the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1), are a pain in the butt!  And unfortunately for me, I am quite prone to them, especially if I am stressed out or exposed to too much sunlight.  Basically, HSV-1 is with you for life.  Yes, for life. UGHHH! 😪   An outbreak usually consists of a bunch of tiny blisters near your mouth (or nose as well for me) that are really painful.  The tiny blisters will eventually pop and dry out, leaving a yellow crust.  After, it scabs and the skin usually heals up with no signs of a cold sore ever being there.  One thing to note is that cold sores are HIGHLY contagious...and sometimes, they are even contagious BEFORE the appearance of those blisters!  They only stop being contagious AFTER the scabs fall off.  You have to be very vigilant not to touch it and then other parts on yourself.  Also, don’t share food and NO KISSING (hehe sorry hubby 🤪).  The virus then  lays dormant in nerve cells until your next episode, which is usually caused by

Truth Treatments - Product Review

I first heard about Truth Treatments on the Eczema podcast (which is awesome BTW, if you haven't listened to it before, go have a listen!) and the owner Ben Fuchs seemed to know his stuff.  Although the price tag was quite hefty (it's based in the states so it was in USD AND I had to pay for shipping and duty), I really wanted to see if they worked.  So I bit the bullet and bought the Omega 6 Healing Cream and the sample kit so that I can try all of the products.  I was so excited to try the healing cream because this was during the time where I had the open wounds on my neck.  When it came, I couldn't wait and tried it that night.  I would like to say that it healed my wounds, but it did the opposite and stung me sooooo badly!  The next day when I tried it again, it stung more AND my entire neck was super itchy!  Funny enough, I thought maybe that it was a sign of it working?  So I sat myself in front of a fan and tried to cool down.  Nope, didn't work.  It